K.R. Holguin


Despite It All, Here You Stand

Unfortunately no one gets to choose the start of their life or gets to decide which foot they start off on. Growing up in the Foster care system and enduring every kind of abuse, is not ideal, especially when you’re left alone at the end of it all. Eventually in life, you come to make your own choices. With a little bit of forgiveness, hope, and God on your side; you can still thrive and prosper. This book shares a story that could’ve ended tragically had I let my past define my future and the person I am today. 

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I’ve always wondered how it is decided what family we are born into. Obviously, your parents do the deed and 9 months later there you are. Essentially, we’re uncharacterized semen swimming until assigned a destination. How is it decided which family we are assigned to? Does God take hold a raffle or what goes on? I mean I guess it could be like a mail delivery system and we’re all in some set order and when it’s our turn, we’re routed to our family. Maybe there’s a game we play and the competitive ones get a better life or perhaps I was up in heaven smoking a joint and I missed my name being called. For all I know, we’re all just going through past life regression.  What a bunch of crazy theories but who really knows? We all come from different backgrounds and cultures and quite frankly, I’m sure all of us have had moments where we wish we would’ve come into the world in a completely different environment with another family or that you were born under better circumstances. Sometimes I wonder to myself “God, what were you thinking here, you’ve definitely made a big mistake.” Except God doesn’t make mistakes and in life there are no coincidences. Nonetheless, rather you believe in God or not, rather you wished you were never born or perhaps you weren’t born into the Kardashian lavish lifestyle, guess what? We are all here together stuck on Planet Earth accepting what life dishes out rather its good or bad. 

Some are dealt a worse hand than others and at times it appears that the worst of the worst people live their best lives while the righteous suffer. The key to enjoying the life you have is to appreciate the little things and highlight on the bright side of situations even when they look the bleakest and the darkest of grey. You might be saying, “Okay but you don’t know what I’ve been through” or “no you just don’t understand how people have treated me.” & you’re probably right. I’ve never been in your shoes and you haven’t walked in mine. Let me tell you what I do know though. Everyone’s story plays out a little differently depending how we handle it and as we get older you grow to realize humans stress over such minuet problems. Half of our problems we won’t even remember in ten years and compared to the lives of some, there are others who have it worse. At least you woke up with breath in your body and are alive to see another day. My point is, there’s always something to be happy about in life. Okay I’m jumping ahead of myself, but I do want to cover a few key elements before we begin our story. Throughout this book, I can guarantee you will feel many emotions. This is not intended for others to point fingers, as we all have made mistakes. It is also not intended for a pity party to be thrown, as there are a few heart wrenching parts but what are you going to do? It’s called life. I want every reader to remember a few words because they play a vital role throughout this journey.

1. Forgiveness

2. Empathy 

3. Growth

4. Faith 

5. Perseverance

6. Restoration

 Please keep in mind, this story is based on true events although character names have been changed for the privacy and confidentiality of others. 

Thank you.